Malcolm Smith

Copyright 2007-2012
Built with Indexhibit

14 November – 1 December 2013
Opens 14 November 7 pm
Krack Studio

Artists: Rudy Atjeh, Natasha Rowell, Moki Prihatmoko, Arwin Hidayat, Anneke Fitrianti, T-Ka_T-Ki (Trinodal group). Curated by Malcolm Smith

Promoters have been calling 3D ‘the future of entertainment’ for the past 150 years. Stereoscopic photos were all the rage in the 1850’s, then Kaiserpanorama shows around 1900, 3D Viewmasters in the 1950’s, badly-acted 3D horror movies in the 70’s, Virtual Reality goggles in the 90’s and today 80 inch home cinema 3D flatscreens. It’s the same old technology; just different packaging.

And so in the spirit of attention-seeking gimmickry we present Krack3D!: the future of print. For this exhibition we invited 6 artists to collaborate with Krack! to develop a series of printed works exploring the possibilities of 3D. The artists come from a broad range of disciplines, including illustration, painting, video art, tattooing and glam rock. Collectively they represent the skills and interests for which Yogyakarta is famous.

Does the third dimension make a work any more meaningful or interesting? That’s for you to decide. But one thing which we’re sure about; just seeing visitors walking around our space wearing our custom-made Krack3D glasses will make this project worthwhile for us.

More info and more pics at krack studio